Monday, December 8, 2014


Team Members: Rebecca Richardson, Esteban Rodriguez, & Robert Tharp

Link to Video:

Our mockumentary is about Esteban's campaign security.

I helped film the mockumentary; I also gave moral support.

I kind of wanted to do a greek myth, but I realized it would take a while longer to do that, then Esteban's idea, so I decided to do greek myths n a later date at my own time.

Easiest: Figuring out which parts go where.

Hardest: Trying to bleep out certain words, and making sure the video went smoothly.

No other comments, other than I loved IMED! :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

How To Video

Team Members
-Rebecca Richardson
-Robert Tharp
-Esteban Rodriguez

Link to How To Video:

What are video is about: How to setup your own computer.

What I did in the group: I supported the group by making comments or suggestions.

What would I do differently? Probably change the topic to something I would've enjoyed a bit more.

Easiest Part of Producing the Video: Putting the video together.

Hardest Part of Producing the Video: Working with a couple of boys.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Camera Angles

Team Members: Rebecca, Esteban, and Robert

Order of Camera Angles:
Bird's Eye

Eye Level

High Angle

Low Angle

Monday, October 20, 2014

Creating My Website

It wasn't easy creating my website, and I ran into a lot of difficulties. I'm not very good at programming in general, so I wasn't sure what I was doing half the time. Doing the example website did help me start my own website, but it was still difficult. It'll take me a couple of tries, before I can get it right, but I'm definitely not going to give up trying. If I had the programs at home, I would take a couple of hours a week to sit down and try to figure out how to work it out. All in all, it was an experience I won't forget anytime soon.

Friday, September 19, 2014


1.  I wish technology like that was possible today, it would be cool. It would definitely make school easier to get through. But technology like that can be dangerous. I don't think it should be able to physically control another human being. Th idea that one can have knowledge and a basic level of control in life is nice, and it can be possible. 

2. It's definitely possible to reach this level of technology. I just think it would take a lot of time and money to make it possible. The question is, when will it happen? Technology is moving at such a rapid rate, it should be possible to do this within 20 years or so. Reach this level of work can be hard, but evidence of it happening is all around us today.

Ultimately, the video brings up a lot of questions about the future of technology.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Theme of Website & Goals of Website

Theme of Website: Career Information over the Nursing Field.

Goals: To...

Inform the students, who are thinking about Nursing what makes the Nursing field the best, and how they can benefit from becoming a nurse.

Entertain the idea, of whether they have what it takes to be a nurse, and if it's the right job for them.

Teach others what being a nurse is really about.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Web Design Trends

  • People want to see vibrant, life-like images that interact with text, and other aspects of a website, like scrolling. An easier way to organize content is by using cards and tiles, instead of tabs running across the top.

  • There are many different ways a website can be accessed; by phone, by desktop, by tablet. Anyone should be able to understand the format a website is in, regardless of how they access the website.

  • Simple design helps readers not get confused when they are on your website. They shouldn't have a lot of difficulty navigating the website. Storytelling gives a web designer a lot more freedom by giving them a chance to express themselves.

These designs do correlate with my favorite websites. Pinterest uses a form of cards to display ideas, and all the ideas you put together, goes on a board that can easily be accessed by a click or tap. Facebook is very easy to navigate and access. Yahoo gives me a variety of stories, and after I click on one, and the bottom of each story, there are similar stories that I may also want to read.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Best & Worst Websites

Top 3 websites I like:
- A place where I can collect my ideas, and be creative.
- I can keep up with all of my friends, and look up businesses as well.
- I like going through the variety of articles, and learning things I never knew before.

Worst Websites:
- There's too much visual, I don't even know where to look. It's overwhelming.
- Too flashy, and too much movement.
- Too much movement, too flashy, and there isn't any coordination between text color and background.